Friday, January 29, 2010
\\\\ Study Time////
Heater On - Check
Caught up on Facebook - Check
FRENCH Press coffee in Hand - DOUBLE Check!
Sorry I haven't had much time for updating, but I will soon!
Off to study Physiological Psychology... *internal groan*
Saturday, January 16, 2010
It will be full of Journaling, Prayer, The Word, Worship and Reading this book:

My Spirit is longing for more in this life, but that "more" can only come from THE Throne of Grace.
Scripture to Meditate on: 2: Corinthians 4:16 & 17.
See You Tuesday!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
It was a LOVEly evening… December 29th, 2009.
Now the long story that shows many wonderful sides of the Man I love...
His Servant-Hearted
Earlier in the week, I had founds some tall candle holders that I wanted to turn into lamps to put under some metal wall decorations in my room…one of the benefits of (at this point) courting an electrician! So, when I came home my mom greeted me at the door, said she had something in the basement to show me, giving Mike time to put a card and rose in the hands of my Teddy Bear.
So, when I finally came back up and walked in my room all the candles were lit (Thanks Mom!), it was completely rearranged, cleaned, wall decorations hung, lamps done, with a card and orange rose! It was EXACTLY how I had pictured it!
Obviously he had been working hard ALL day, so we parted to freshen-up and change for our night out! The whole time I was getting ready, I marveled at how I felt like I was getting ready to go on a first date with a man I’d been courting for almost 6 months! We have gone on several dates but none that we’d really “dressed-up for” because of our distance apart… I was excited and almost giddy… ok, ok I was GIDDY!
Here’s a pic of us before we left for dinner:
Aren’t we the cutest couple??
The Romanic
We walked out to the car and in it was another rose (Purple) and a gift… the movie Enchanted, a favorite!!
Once we were in the car he told me where we were going, The PepperTree, a local favorite that I had never been to before! On the way we passed one of my favorite coffee shops and I said “Hey, we could go there after dinner, unless you have other plans of course!” He said “Yeah, we could.” We drove on to the restaurant… the entrance to which is not lit and about 300 yds before the restaurant… yet the man who doesn’t know the area AT ALL knew where to turn in! When I pointed this out he said “Oh your mom warned me.” I should have known better!
So, we got there, were seated at “Our Table” on which was a pink rose and my favorite picture of us in a frame (Obviously he had been here earlier in the day)!
We enjoyed a wonderful dinner, just talking at enjoying being together. At one point I joked and said “So, are they going to bring the ring out on desert?” Little did I know what was coming!
The One Who Knows and Loves Me
As we leave the restaurant and start driving home Mike faked me out a couple times by asking if he should take the quick way to the highway instead of through town, by the coffee shop, I said “That’s fine, unless you want coffee.” So, we headed towards the coffee shopped and he tried to park a block early, which I correctedJ. Finally, we go in and order our coffee…
When they brought out our coffee, our waitress handed me a yellow rose… obviously he knew me and planned on me wanting a coffee… I guess I’m predictable! After a few sips I realized my cup didn’t have a sleeve and his did! I was curious and turned my cup… on which was a WONDERFUL note!
As we left, I asked if there was anything else, and he said “Oh, just one small thing.”
The One Who Never Ceases to Surprise Me
When we got back to my house, my parents had moved our love seat in front of the gas fireplace, there was a long-stemmed red rose on the mantel with a card, and Mike put on some of our favorite songs.
He told me he wanted to end the evening by completing one of our favorite games to play… 20 Questions! (We have a hard time finishing because we’ll get off on other topics or get too tired!) So we started to play, and for those of you who know me this won’t come as a surprise… by question 6 I was falling asleep! Mike assured me that I would be happy when finally finished a game and I assured him that I would be happy if we stoppedJ. But he was insistent so we pressed on!
About question 13 the kettle in the kitchen went off, so Mike (the servant) went to turn it off! So, I fell over on his side of the couch as a joke. This scared him because the ring was under the pillow I was now resting my head on! Ha-ha… it was innocent on my part!
Usually we trade questions, but I asked my last 5 all in a row (His idea to keep me awake) and then he asked his last 5 in a row, which were…
- Question 17: Do you want to dance? I said… Of Course! So we danced to Our Song – Love is Not a Fight by Warren Barfield.
- Question 18: Do you know what each Rose stands for? I love it when he tells this part, so…I'll let him tell it ;)
- Question 19: He got down on one knee… as I was FREAKING out… and asked the question every girl wants to hear “Will you marry me?” What did I say?? “No! What are you doing? No! This wasn’t going to happen till March!” Reality set in… “Yes!”… Proceeded by lots of giggling asking “Really?” Then he goes… “You haven’t asked about question 20” I said “So, what’s question 20?”
- Question 20: You wanna elope? To which I said strongly “NO!”
…followed by more giggling, telling my parents and calling/texting friends! Needless to say I was now awake and stayed awake until about 1 AM! And took many glances at the new bling on my fingure!
… I was entirely swept off my feet, surprised, and blown away! Ladies, I know every woman says this, but I’m telling you the most wonderful, romantic, servant-hearted, Godly man is now OFF THE MARKET!