Monday, December 19, 2011

Our Christmas Tree!

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged… life has been crazy with work Christmas Parties and a Big Job for Mike!  Some where in the mix we found time to buy a tree (I know, I know… but we felt it was the wisest decision for us at this point…)…

And this year we actually decorated it too! (Yes, last year we had a tree that sadly never got decorated!)  This is partially motivated by the fact that we’re having Christmas with our church at our house… gave us a little motivation!

And for those of you who haven’t seen out living room, this is a small glimpse!  This window faces main st. so everyone that drives by can see it!

Here are the pics from our endeavor!  My hubby was a huge help!



We had to buy more lights….several strands we not working, despite many electrical tools being used to try and salvage them : ).  (This was the issue that stopped us last year)















Lights On….And lights off, with presents!

We can’t WAIT for Christmas this year!  I’ve had SO much fun shopping for everything and trying to get things that will bless and encourage them!  Can’t wait to give it all away!

Merry Christmas!



Monday, November 14, 2011

A CRAZY Week… and one ahead…

Why does it always seem that the weeks leading up to a long vacation are so jam packed that it takes the first few days of the vacation to re-coop from them?

That’s the way I feel.

But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. 

I’m tired, but refreshed.

Blessing those in your own church body is SO refreshing, yet physically exhausting…

Am I making sense?

My hubby has taken on a project that started out to be changing out a broiler, from oil to gas, and adding a hot water tank and has evolved into redoing 80% of the basement plumbing, moving the washer/dryer hook-ups and adding another set, building a wall behind those hook-ups so it looks nice, redoing a window, and lots of other things along the way just cuz the house is old.

And since he has taken it on, I get to work right along side him.  I praise God that I’m able to help him in this way… it enables him to focus on what he’s best at (designing, measuring, planning, and making it happen)… while I make sure he has food, water, coffee, tools, and a clean work area.

I love to see his heart as he works and how is mind is constantly going and making sure they have the best now and in the future.

We are looking forward to leaving for Iowa on Saturday though… to rest and relax…

My goals?

  1. Spend lots of time in the Word, Journaling, and Studying
  2. And read a good non-fiction book…. any suggestions?  I’m currently reading “The Feminine Appeal”  by Caroline Mahaney, SO good and SO timely in my life.
  3. Sleep in…
  4. Talk daily long walks… if the weather allows…
  5. Cook…
  6. Cuddle by the fire…

Trying to keep it simple, yet refreshing Spiritually, which I know I need more than just physical relaxation.

How are you spending your Thanksgiving?



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Blessed Weekend… and Life!

We had a wonderful Saturday at Martha’s Vineyard!  The weather was beautiful and the company was great!  The sites were cool, but unfortunately not really worth the full ferry price or even half (which is what we paid). 

The boat ride was SO relaxing!

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Water all around!

Martha's Vineyard 201
(Not in focus but I thought it was still a cool pic!)

We saw some cute sites!  Had good food and ice cream!

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(Kinda looks like the lighthouse is on, huh?… kinda…)

We then had a wondering Sunday with our church family!  Heard a sermon on James 1:1… yes, a whole sermon on just the greeting!  I was VERY convicted because I tend to just glance over those parts. EVER word of the Bible is living and active and SO important to pay attention too!  We then spent some time a Colt State Park… it’s SO beautiful and becoming one of my favorite places!

Monday we did yard work and worked on finishing putting in a door at some friend’s house… then went to Bible Study!  We’re going through “Dust to Glory” by R.C. Sproul. WHOA! SO good!  Through this course I can tell my desire for the Word, studying and looking deeper, is going to greatly increase!  How timely!  God is so good to allow this!

How was your weekend!?  What is God showing you?



Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weekend with 2 of My Favorite…

Women in the whole world!

What a GREAT surprise to have my sister come too!!  Deep down I was hoping she would come, but wasn’t sure until I went to pull away from picking my mom up and she appeared out of the crowd at the airport!  SOO fun!

We had SO much GOOD food, GOOD talks, GOOD weather… I am blessed!

They both had their REALLY nice cameras so, I didn’t feel the need to take many pics.  I’m sure they’ll be on facebook soon!

Here’s my quick recap in pics:

Lots of Dunkin was consumed…


Lots of smiles…



Lots of food…


Lots of cool places visited…


Can’t wait to see them again at Thanksgiving!!!



Tuesday, September 27, 2011


You know those weeks where it seems like scripture is going in one eye and out the other…

Nothing seems to stick…

And then, for the Glory of God, one day it all seems to stick… that was this morning for me! I know it partly has to do with last week’s sermon being on…

Philippians 4: 8-9 “8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is [e]lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, [f]dwell on these things. 9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” (NASB)

Dwell or Meditate on these things, including LOTS of scripture! STOP letting things go in one eye and out the other.  I was convicted.  Praise God!

This morning I went back to…

Philippians 2:1-4 “1 Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any [a]affection and compassion, 2 make my joy complete [b]by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. 3 Do nothing [c]from [d]selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” (NASB)

Unity…Humility…Joy.. Servanthood.   I reread my notes from several sermons Reverend Jeffery Costa (my pastor) did on this passage.  It’s SO deep. Unity is SO important in the church. Joy is foundational, true, God-centered, Gospel-based Joy!  Humility…compared to the GREATNESS of how much Christ CHOSE, WILLINGLY to humble himself…is…I can’t find the words.  Servanthood is (to paraphrase Jeff) “Giving out of the treasure (the joy of our salvation) we have been given, when we feel like we have nothing left to give!”

These sermons were SO deeply convicting and encouraging…It was a HUGE blessing to be able to go back over them now, several months later.   This is why it’s SO important to take notes, stay meditating on the Word… it’s the only way to “connect the head and the heart” (Jeff).

There is SO much more I could say, but for now, I’ll stop here.



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Little Bits of Life…

I love posting about life… it’s real. It’s simple.

My hubby is home sick today… with a cold I seem to have fought of, except a stuffy nose…I feel bad. I LOVE how marriage is two people sharing life… but not germs!

Fall is here… I’m back to wearing comfy sweaters and scarfs (YES!)…

AND, dun dun dun… making myself lots of yummy pumpkin spice coffee…since my hubby bought me a BIG box from BJ’s (wholesale foods co-op we’re members of)… (and other flavors)… in MY Keurig!

Fall River-20110915-00148

Nice drawer for the K-cups, huh? Saves precious counter space!

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He woke up early one morning to set this up for me… it was an adventure as all his surprises are for me… including me almost waking up with him (at 4:30 AM!)…him almost waking me up by opening the box and rustling the plastic… and then my alarm going off when he didn’t think it was set.  But I was SOO surprise and blessed!

Last but NOT least… my mom comes in 10…. TEN… days!   SOOO excited!



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Weekend AWAY–lots of pics!

This weekend we took Monday off… and left Saturday with our church and went up to the White Mountains in New Hampshire.  The original plan was to hike Mount Washington, but with it being such a short weekend, we decided to take it easy and explore a few other sites!

The Mountains are getting closer… and closer…

New Hampsire 091New Hampsire 093











We found a CUTE, YUMMY, CHEAP place for Breakfast called “The Water Wheel.”  Guess you can’t guess why? hehe

New Hampsire 101New Hampsire 104











Starting the day off with the important food…

New Hampsire 106

Hiking at the Lost River Gorge… SO beautiful!

New Hampsire 115

Love Him….

New Hampsire 125

The Guys…                                            and the Normal Guys…..

New Hampsire 128New Hampsire 130








The Girls…                                         And the Normal Girls…         

New Hampsire 132New Hampsire 133









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The next day we went hiking… along a cascading waterfall… the water was SO clear, you almost can’t tell there’s water.  The leaves were turning colors and falling.  And my hubby decided he wanted to swim in it.  The water had to be like 45 degrees…. burrrr!!


New Hampsire 152New Hampsire 156












My Wild at Heart Man…

New Hampsire 155New Hampsire 174












Yep.. that’s him… under the beautiful, freezing waterfall!

New Hampsire 202

Enjoying the scenery!

New Hampsire 182

It was a wonderful weekend… and we are so thankful the Lord allowed us to take it.



Friday, September 2, 2011

Last night… and little bits of life…

Last night we celebrated our anniversary by going to the Cheesecake factory and walking around the mall… my hubby is actually so fun to go shopping with!!  (As long as he keeps is crazy comments about a vest looking like road kill between the two of us and not the whole store… lol).

Here we are at the restaurant… it was a little dark, sorry!


Here we are shopping… I wish this pic turned out better! 


This is my favorite part of the day… coffee+Morning and Evening (devotional by Charles Spurgeon)+the Word+my hubby across the couch+snuggly quilt= a great way to start the day!


Couples: This time is a priceless treasure… even though we don’t say much.  It’s important that we make this a priority in our marriage.  I know not all schedules allow for this time, but MAKE SURE you’re both spending time with your first Love, daily!!


My new journal… Artists Sketchbook ($5), Mod Podge ($.10 for this project… lots left over), Scrap-booking paper ($.50 for this project).  $5.60 for a new journal that I LOVE.  Not bad!


AND finally… I NEED help! I have this beautiful built in shelf that is SCREAMING to be made beautiful… and I’m TOTALLY stuck!  Any and allllll ideas are welcomed!

Living Room
(Sorry for the mess…)




Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cleaning of my Phone…

I was just cleaning off my phone… and found a few videos that I meant to share and then forgot!

Here’s one of Ezra… he put his hat like this… I HAD to record it!

And one of my favorite things about east coast life… the sandy part of this beach was all underwater after the hurricane because the waters were so high.

And finally… ignore our loving banter… this is from our apartment during the hurricane…


I have a few other really funny videos, but I need to ask permission before posting them!

For those of you who made it through them all… hope you enjoyed!




Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ONE Year Down!

And what a blessed year it has been!  I’ve put off posting because I wanted to post pictures from our 1 yr. celebration… which got postponed because of a HURRICANE!  That was an adventure in an of itself!

Here’s our year in pictures.. yes, I know… I need to take more!

The Beginning of it all…

On our Honeymoon:

Mom and dad came to visit (pic with our niece and nephew… sorta).


My sister comes to visit!  (Bad hair day!!)

My sister’s wedding… isn’t he handsome??

A day at the beach…


My B-day…

Little Compton-20110719-00233

We have fun together… if you can’t tell!


Our marriage isn’t perfect, but over all this year has been SO fun, blessed and totally WORTH IT!  I often find myself thinking… Mike is the perfect man for all my quirks, my humor, and showing me unconditional love. God knew what He was doing when He put us together, and I wouldn’t change a thing!

Love you Babe!