Friday, July 29, 2011

A Wonderful Evening

Last night was simple. yet wonderful.

We had Chicken, Turkey Bacon, Ranch Salads… SO refreshing! (sorry, should have taken a pic).

Went on a walk… matching…hehe

Fall_River-20110728-00261(cell phone pic…obviously… sorry about the quality)

Came home and did dishes/cleaned…Had chocolate pop-sickles… and popcorn, while we watched a movie.

Simple. great to stay home. great to talk on our walk. great to just be together.



Thursday, July 28, 2011

Home Décor…

For those of you who don’t know – we had a change in plans – we are now working on purchasing the house that we currently live in, at a GREAT price.  The Lord lead us away from the other house, for reasons we may never fully understand, but have COMPLETE peace about.

So, like every woman, I have started dreaming about how to make this like apartment a home… for who knows how long!  (all of these pictures come from my new favorite website… Pintrest… check it out!)

But now I get to paint…

maybe add a window seat…


some drapes…


who knows!

I wish I was better at decorating on a budget… but a little bit at a time, goes a long way!



Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finally Playing Again!

Remember this post…Worship

I’ve started playing again.

… learning from youtube videos…missing my old, full-sized keyboard from home (gonna start saving)…

and just letting the Spirit lead.

It’s been wonderful and trying at times.


More than I would like to admit.

Wishing I kept up on my skill… trying to learn AND apply this lesson to the rest of life.



Thursday, July 21, 2011

A WONDERFUL Birthday Gift…

My hubby being home!  What a surprise!

He told me he might not be able to be home tomorrow night, because of this big job he’s working on. He had committed to. So, in order to let his yes be yes, I tried to conceal my frustration that he would be gone on my birthday…


YET – when I got home… this is what I found on the table, with a card, and one of “our” songs playing… along with the house being VERY clean!

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THEN… my husband with a wonderfully sacrificial serving heart… took me out for Indian Food!  YUMMMMMMY!  He hates it, but I LOVE it!



Next, we went to the beach… I LOVE long walks on the beach at sunset with him…

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It was beautiful….

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Then home for Cold Stone Ice Cream and Yatzee….

all that… instead of being home alone and frustrated…a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!


I am so blessed to be married to a wonderful, Godly man whose love for me is SO deep!  He pays attention to the little details -  my love of surprises and Indian food.


And, He’s my best friend.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

It’s a Crazy Life…

Life lately has been… BUSY.

Full of work and helping this handsome man with his…


I’ve become a little electrical apprentice and I actually enjoy it!  We get to spend hours together, working along side each other… and I get to help see his goals for this business, at this point, come closer to a reality.

So, the aching feet, sore necs, and lack of sleep are totally worth it.   That’s why I haven’t been blogging much lately.

God has been gracious to us in so many ways and is teaching us to trust more fully in him, instead of rushing ahead of His timing.  More about that later!

