Tuesday, June 15, 2010

.A Light to the World.

More times than I would like to admit, in the past 2 yrs, I have not “felt” like a Christian.  When the world surrounds and begins to slowly penetrate life, we become SO blind to it.  It’s the small things like not “feeling” like getting into the WORD in the morning, not taking ONE thought captive, or even watching a movie that had a HINT of unGodliness in it.

At church on Sunday we watched a video for the sermon, and I had a slight issue with the first part {which the pastor ended up bringing back to Christ in the end, but the first part ruined it for me}.  His daughter was interviewing him for a paper she was writing and her question was “What is the single most important thing you do as a Pastor?” and he thought about it, and responded “I keep myself encouraged”.  My heart sank.  What a MISSED opportunity to remind his daughter of Christ alone being our sole focus… not how we feel about him or life! [Perhaps this is one of the small non-truths we let in.]

I have felt VERY discouraged at many points in life, especially over the past 2 years, but I THANK GOD for those times that allow me to see HIM move in and mold me to be more like HIM.  I’m not sure where we get the idea [and we all have it to some extent] that Christians should “feel” encouraged all the time and life should always be great in the moment… because that’s not what the Bible promises.  Our great PROMISE is an ETERNAL salvation! An Unconditional LOVE for all eternity! [Praise the Lord - David, Paul, and Christ himself put their hope in the eternal salvation, not the affliction or encouragement of the moment!!!]

I’m not saying it’s wrong to feel encouraged, those times are important too!  I’m just saying being “A Light to this World” is NOT about how we feel. [Even though that’s what so many churches are about these days.]

Easier said than done, I know, but HE is working in us to make it possible!


1 comment:

  1. Heidi,
    This is encouraging to me - and so true <3
    Love reading your blog!
