Friday, January 21, 2011

.Lack of Motivation.

So, the end to my first official week “working for Mike” is here.  I have done a little bit for him, but we have yet to sit down and go over the bulk of my projects… entering stuff into Quickbooks.  Thus, my hours of work are very short and I find myself aimlessly wondering around the house at certain points during my day.

Yesterday I HAD to get out of the house and found this little treasure [click on pic to visit site]:


It’s my new favorite place to study… and is as close to Caribou as I’ll get in this part of the country.

Today I’ve mostly completed my to-do list and was sitting on the couch thinking, after reading the first book below… how often when I’m busy to I LONG for MORE time, but when I have it I find myself in a constant state of slow moving. YIKES!  What a sad contradiction but evidence of the sinful nature in all of us.

Therefore, I resolve to fill my days with more of the things that I find myself wishing I had more time to do:

  • Pray
  • Read Scripture
  • Read Non-fiction books
  • Keep my house in order
  • Keep-in-touch with people
  • Learning the guitar (once I get one)

The list really good go on and on… the key is alternating sitting with doing and being creative to make things interesting!  Please pray for me as I continue, that laziness would not creep into my life!

Here are a few of the books I’m tackling:

As a woman:


For Christian Life Studies:


For Bible Study:


I choose to narrow it down to these 3 and read them until completion (I can’t be bad at not finishing a book) Another blog about the first one will follow tomorrow… I read about Hannah today and it was such a blessings!




  1. I love your new "do"! :0) Good for you to not stay "lazy" because you can or could. You are a delight!! Blessings!

  2. The "12 Extraordinary Women" seems good! And I look forward to reading your insight on the boook of Hannah.

    Your on my heart & in my prayers...much love from Minneapolis!

  3. the last book on philippeans looks very interesting! :)
