Friday, January 14, 2011

Life Lately… an update by someone who needs to blog more :).

With the blog I refuse to promise that I will be more faithful, although that is my hearts intent, I am trying to resolve to be a woman of my word.  And sometimes with the blogging I simply hit a block and don’t know what to write about… like today…BUT today I have decided that I will start and see what comes! Here goes nothing…

I was showing a co-worker by blog yesterday and realized I haven’t blogged since NOVEMBER! YIKES!  When I went to visit family and friends in MN over New Years I was reminded that a few people actually read this… so I should continue sharing!  I was SO blessed by one of my girls who actually asked me about my niece and nephew! (who we haven’t seen in almost a month due to the holidays and going to their house last Sunday but no one opened the door and their cell is temporarily out of service :( )

Life in November and December FLEW by with working picking up for the holidays, getting together with family and friends, and mostly… school.  School was an extra challenge this semester.  I had just has much on my plate as when I lived at home and worked full-time… so it was hard for me to see why it stressed me out so much!  Finally I concluded this – when I was at home I had ZERO social life and now we spend all day Sunday and Monday nights with our friends/church.  I wouldn’t have it any other way!  It just puts more pressure on school!  But from here on out school does not look to be as hard.  I believe the worst is behind me and I will graduate officially in July! YAY!

Another big life change – today is my last day at the Morning Star.  It’s bitter-sweet! I have DEARLY enjoyed my time working there! I have learned SO much about different aspects of my faith… from the men/women who hold strongly to the truth to the ones who ruin it for the rest of us.  (If you ever need/want to run an author by me PLEASE e-mail me!   I’m SO passionate about people reading THE Truth and else… and sadly you can’t trust everything in a Christian bookstore these days!)   For the next little bit in life, I will be working for my favorite man and his company Batista Electric!  We’re both VERY excited to see what the Lord is going to do in and through this company!  He has already grown it to more than Mike can handle on his own, thus the reason I’m starting to work for him!  This will help with the school stress level too, hopefully!

OK – I think this is long enough – but one last thing!  We were TOTALLY blessed!  We went to IKEA looking for shelves for our kitchen (so the coffee pot wasn’t sitting on the toaster oven, which was on the microwave, which was on Mike’s old night stand…lol) And we found these…


They fit PERFECTLY, make SO much more space, and were super cheap!    (Ria- see the jars you gave us on the top shelf?)  My hubby was wonderful and put these together for me while I was at work yesterday…even though he hasn’t been feeling well!

I’ll post more pics of our little apartment soon… (when I deem it clean enough to take pics of!) 

So that’s my little life update… hopefully I’ll post more soon!




  1. You think you haven't blogged in a long time. I haven't updated my blog since August. Thanks for the update Heidi! I love reading about what God is doing in your life!

  2. Yeah for an update! :) Congrats on the new job/season - how WONDERFUL for both of you!! Chris and I could only dream of working together, but we will one day we think... :)
    Thanks for the pic of your apartment! I understand the need to deem-it-ready... I will be anticipating that day, because I'd love to see it!

  3. I just saw your two photos of your shelves and it was crazy how it looks like a mirror image...anyway...please do take pictures of your apt. I'm sure it's cozy & not as bad as you think ;)

    all my love.

  4. Heidiiiii!

    I love the jars :-) We just got your thank you!! Yay!! Your shelves are perfect.

    Happy to hear you made the switch to working with your HUBBY! You will be a great asset using your gifts with him. HOW FUN!

