Tuesday, January 25, 2011


No… I didn’t see a spider!  In fact yesterday I was just giving thanks for having a “New” apartment with very few bugs… silly I know but it is nice!

I say YIKES because for the first time in tooooo long I jumped on Fox New’s website to catch-up on the times, this is something I used to do regularly and I think it’s important to do!

I found an article on Billy Graham – “America’s Pastor”- and in it he is quoted saying this: “Graham also said that if he could go back and do anything differently he would "spend more time at home with my family, and I'd study more and preach less."”

Does it worry you that the man who started the trend of large “Christian” conventions – Promise Keeps, Women of Faith, Acquire the Fire – wished he would have STUDIED more.  Sadly, this is the case in many churches/ministries today, the leaders put people and doing ministry above time spent studying God’s HOLY Word that they use flippantly everyday without true understanding of what it means!

Now – here what I’m saying – I’m NOT saying that a pastor must “know” everything before he preaches.  If that was the case no one would preach.  However, pastors should be SO focused on making sure what they’re preaching is the truth that if they feel their sermon is not ready on Sunday Mornings, they are willing to find another way to feed their flock that morning, in this day and age the options are limitless with on-line resources,  rather than fill them with possible half-truths or things they are not sure about.

So – that is why I say “YIKES”- it scares me to see my Holy, Precious, Sovereign God’s word and character preached so flippantly in the “highest” realms of society and to billions of people without the study to back it up.

Just some food for thought today… and I hope and pray that you can say, like I can, that your pastor is one who is FULLY focused on preaching THE TRUTH of the Word – letting scripture confirm scripture NOT scripture confirming some idea or theory that you come to the Bible wanting to confirm.


  1. W-O-W! Thank you for informing me w/this...I had NO IDEA! And I accept that challenge to be attentive and dig deep in the word to discern the "truths" that my own pastor is preaching...Thank you for your sharing!

  2. YIKES is sooo right on. Thank you for sharing this -- I don't read the news enough and it can be SO insightful!

  3. thank you! so good.
    its sad that a growing number of pastors don't hold the word as final authority.
    this is what Timothy and Titus hit on.

  4. seriously i just re-read this to andrew.

