Thursday, March 25, 2010

Relationship with Christ

Hey Bloggers! 

The Lord has been doing a lot in my life lately, so much so that I haven’t been able to figure out where to begin to blog about it!  He’s been taking me to a deeper intimacy, submission, obedience, and selflessness… definitely hasn’t been an easy journey!

In my time with Him this morning I read this in “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers and it really blessed me!  I hope it blesses you too, it’s worth your time to read!

“Goodness and purity should never be traits that draw attention to themselves, but should simply be magnets that draw people to Jesus Christ. If my holiness is not drawing others to Him, it is not the right kind of holiness; it is only an influence which awakens undue emotions and evil desires in people and diverts them from heading in the right direction. [Yikes!] A person who is a beautiful saint can be a hindrance in leading people to the Lord by presenting only what Christ has done for him, instead of presenting Jesus Christ Himself. Others will be left with this thought— "What a fine person that man is!" That is not being a true "friend of the bridegroom"— I am increasing all the time; He is not.

To maintain this friendship and faithfulness to the Bridegroom, we have to be more careful to have the moral and vital relationship to Him above everything else, including obedience. Sometimes there is nothing to obey and our only task is to maintain a vital connection with Jesus Christ, seeing that nothing interferes with it. Only occasionally is it a matter of obedience. At those times when a crisis arises, we have to find out what God’s will is [not ours!]. Yet most of our life is not spent in trying to be consciously obedient, but in maintaining this relationship— being the "friend of the bridegroom." Christian work can actually be a means of diverting a person’s focus away from Jesus Christ. Instead of being friends "of the bridegroom," we may become amateur providences of God to someone else, working against Him while we use His weapons.”

So – where does your life point?  To the one who created You and died 1,000 deaths for your salvation… NOTHING else matters!  NOTHING else is worth the challenge of living a righteous life!


Lord- INCREASE in my life! Help me to decrease.  It’s a scary prayer, because I have NO idea how you’ll answer it, and it probably won’t be with roses and chocolate, but it’s what my heart yearns for anyway!  Your will be done Father!  Amen!



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