Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life As of Lately…

Ok - here's the long awaited update on most of life!

... done after I discovered this SUPER cool tool that Windows Vista has that helps you create your blog offline and then publish it... making adding pics and hyperlinks MUCH easier! It's a little thing but I was excited!


Wedding planning - going very smoothly!! I made a lot of the “Big” decisions pretty quickly so, now I’m down to a couple smaller decisions a day! *whew* I know that if I kept up with the pace I was running before school started AND had to do school, burnout would be inevitable! The most recent decisions I’m contemplating is this dress for a bridesmaid’s dress:


To see other pictures, especially the SUPER cute back go Here.


School – let’s just say this is going to be a challenging semester! The first 8 weeks I’m taking Physiological Psychology… the class is 10 times harder than the name, if you can imagine ;) and Exceptional Children… INTERESTING! This second one makes me think about being an Educational Therapist or some sort of counselor within the School System. Children need people who love them, believe in them, and are willing to do anything to see them succeed!


Family – my season of living in Iowa is 207 days away from coming to an end… it’s sobering and exciting! To make the most of the little time I have left, my mom and I have made Monday nights our “Date Nights”! Every single girl, living near her mom should DO THIS! We go out to dinner, wherever our hearts desire, and then to a Small Group where we’re discussing:


Last night was the first night, but it’s a diverse group so I think it’s going to be SUPER interesting and worth it to spend some time with my mom!

Blessings Blog Readers!

1 comment:

  1. What a cuteeee idea, Heidi! :) You are so sweet - lOVE the dress!!
